The ALDER Vision

Every decision we make on the landscape has an impact on our environment. Whether designing a backyard garden or restoring a wetland, we harness the solutions provided by nature to create eye-catching landscapes that support biodiversity and are resilient to climate change.


Why the name ALDER?

Alder trees are some of the most resilient species in the Pacific Northwest. After a disturbance, they’re the first to return to the landscape to repair the soil and re-create the conditions that other species require to grow. They are the natural healers and workhorses of our ecosystems, making these trees the perfect mascot for our company.

Ecological Restoration
Our areas of expertise include climate
change adaptation, ecological restoration,
invasive species management, and restorative landscaping

Who is ALDER?

Lindsey Haist
Ecologist and Landscape Designer

Lindsey is a Vancouver Island born Restoration Ecologist and Master Gardener. She combines a strong understanding of ecology with a passion for designing landscapes that restore nature on the West Coast. She started ALDER in 2018 to offer property owners an alternative to traditional landscaping. Lindsey works mostly behind the scenes on to design and coordinate ALDER’s installation and maintenance projects.



Robin Maser-Housden
Landscaping & Restoration Technician – Team Lead

Robin is a recent graduate of Vancouver Island University’s Horticulture Technician program and Master Gardener (certificate through Gaia College), who worked previously in small scale organic agriculture. She is thrilled to integrate her experience and knowledge of growing food with restorative landscaping. Robin is passionate about solving environmental issues through creating gardens centred around native plants, biodiversity, and edibles. Her love of gardening began as a child on the Sunshine Coast being introduced to edible landscaping, and has only grown while working for many seasons on vegetable farms located on Vancouver Island and Salt Spring Island.


Janelle Golobic
Landscaping and Restoration Technician

Janelle is a recent graduate from Vancouver Island University’s Horticulture Technician program. She is excited to share her passion for all things plants. Janelle brings a special love for native plant propagation and Garry Oak ecosystem restoration and maintenance. She loves beautifying and maintaining clients gardens and wildspaces, while sharing interesting plant facts along the way.

Photo - Janelle 2021

Lisa Majocha
Landscaping & Restoration Technician

Growing up on a hobby farm on Vancouver Island, Lisa has been surrounded by nature her entire life. Lisa brings an incredible attention to detail to each project and has over 15 years of experience working in customer service. She’s known for her great sense of humour and works hard to go above and beyond for clients.

Lisa Majocha

Join our Community and see what we’re working on! Instagram @alderenviro & Facebook @alderenviro